
标题: 楼面价8531中铁房产以23.01亿元竞得镜湖曲屯1号地块 [打印本页]

作者: soooho    时间: 2018-11-28 12:26
标题: 楼面价8531中铁房产以23.01亿元竞得镜湖曲屯1号地块
2018 年 11 月 27 日上午 9 时,越城区(镜湖)曲屯 1 号地块在浙江省土地使用权网上交易系统公开拍卖。
最终 04 轮竞拍,中铁房地产集团华东有限公司以 23.01 亿元竞得越城区(镜湖)曲屯 1 号地块楼面价 8531 元 /㎡,溢价率 0.35%。(起拍价 229300 万元,起拍楼面价 8501 元 /㎡。)

越城区(镜湖)曲屯 1 号块相关信息

越城区(镜湖)曲屯 1 号地块,东至解放大道,南至梅山路,西至西屯路,北至地限线,出让面积 107895㎡,建筑面积约 258948-269738㎡,容积率 2.4-2.5,为商住用地,起拍价 229300 万元,起拍楼面价 8501 元 /㎡。值得一提的是,该地块政府不设底价
地块周边有解放大道、二环北路、中兴大道、绿云路等城市主干道;紧邻在建绍兴轨交 1 号线,二环北路站凤林路站均在地块 1 公里范围内。商业配套丰富:有颐高广场,苏宁广场(在建)、佳源广场(在建)等;公共配套齐全:地块周边将规划知名幼儿园、小学等优质教育资源。附近还有绍兴市人民医院、绍兴市第一初级中学等配套。

越城区(镜湖)曲屯 1 号鸟瞰图

法律支持:上海华尊律师事务所 阎益丰律师
地址:上海市威海路 755 号文新报业大厦 29 层

作者: bba33524    时间: 2021-12-15 16:42
本帖最后由 bba33524 于 2022-1-2 23:08 编辑

作者: 立陶宛文    时间: 2023-5-10 11:06
A tape dispenser is a device used to hold and dispense tape, such as adhesive tape or masking tape. Tape dispensers are commonly used in offices, workshops, and homes for a variety of applications, such as packaging, crafting, and labeling.
Most tape dispensers consist of a plastic or metal body with a cutting blade attached to it, and a roller to hold the tape. The roll of tape is inserted onto the roller, and the tape is pulled through a slot in the dispenser where the cutting blade is located. The tape is then cut by pressing down on the dispenser or pulling it across the blade.
Tape dispensers come in different sizes and designs to accommodate different types of tape and different applications. Some tape dispensers are handheld and portable, while others are designed to be mounted on a desk or wall for easy access.
Using a tape dispenser can provide several benefits, such as:
1. Convenience: Using a tape dispenser can make it easier and faster to dispense tape, especially when handling large volumes of tape.
2. Accuracy: Tape dispensers can help ensure consistent tape lengths and clean cuts, which can improve the appearance and quality of the work.
3. Safety: Tape dispensers can help reduce the risk of injuries from using scissors or other cutting tools to cut tape.
Overall, a tape dispenser is a handy tool to have on hand for any task that requires the use of tape.
The following are related links to Tape Dispenser: Attached are related links to Tape Dispenser

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